Thank you for subscribing to our Featured Woman Newsletter.
You love seeing extraordinary women, and one of them may be “Your Perfect Match,” whether it’s our newest candidate you see to your right, or someone else.
Due to Covid and safety reasons (since featured women take a new and professional photo shoot), we won’t resume featured women until Summer or Autumn of 2021. But we do send out newsletters at least once a month, with pictures of some recent candidates – they’re fun to look at!
Over the years, our clients and prospects alike eagerly wait for our featured woman newsletters. It takes countless hours to produce these, because we also insist on new and un-retouched pictures.
Marriages and engagements we’ve proudly produced these past 20 years, some have been women we featured. Yes, we have a good number of other quality ladies in our portfolio, but only so much time for “marketing”…
The successful divorced or widowed men who hire us have access to our featured women (if still available and a solid match for you) and other outstanding candidates we present (or we continue to search until we find her!)
Are you a CEO bachelor and want to speak with Chris about this candidate?
You can either complete our men’s form to schedule a call;
OR call her cell phone right now and leave a message 1-206-372-5798
Find Lasting Love With A Beautiful Woman